Donald Trump addresses Radical Islamic Terrorism

GOP candidate for US president, Donald Trump

In a speech addressing radical Islamic terrorism, GOP candidate for US president, Donald Trump said “Iran was being choked off by economic sanctions… Syria is in the midst of a disastrous civil war. ISIS controls large portions of territory. A refugee crisis now threatens Europe and the United States… Iraq is in chaos, and ISIS is on the loose.”
He continued to say that “Iran, the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, is now flush with $150 billion in cash released by the United States – plus another $400 million in ransom. Worst of all, the nuclear deal puts Iran, the number one state sponsor of Radical Islamic Terrorism, on a path to nuclear weapons.”
Blaming the current Middle East turmoil and the rise of fundamentalism in the region that has stemmed from appeasing the mullahs in Iran on the Obama administration’s foreign policy, Trump added the US “foreign policy has unleashed ISIS, destabilized the Middle East, and put the nation of Iran – which chants ‘Death to America’ – in a dominant position of regional power and, in fact, aspiring to be a dominant world power. It all began in 2009 with what has become known as President Obama’s global ‘Apology Tour.”


Source: Extracted from the text of speech published on The Hill, Aug. 15. 2016
