Mrs. Rajavi urges the Security Council to act to stop increasing rights abuses and continuous crimes against humanity by mullahs’ regime
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), welcomed the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption of a resolution censuring the flagrant and systematic human rights violations in Iran. She said: After 66 UN condemnation, the world community must take effective measures to stop the escalating trend of human rights abuses and the continuous crimes against humanity by the clerical regime.
She added: Silence and inaction vis-à-vis the countless crimes perpetrated by the religious fascism ruling Iran in the past four decades have emboldened it in perpetuating and intensifying its crimes against humanity. The massacre of more than 1,500 people and youth, the wounding of 4,000 more and the arrest of 12,000 during the nationwide uprising in November is one of the most horrific crimes in the 21st century and by any measure amounts to crime against humanity.
Mrs. Rajavi emphasized that those responsible for the heinous atrocities in November, the regime’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei, its president Hassan Rouhani, and other regime leaders, have been involved in the ruling theocracy’s crimes, including the massacre of 1988. Their impunity must end. The Security Council must recognize the regime’s crimes, including the 1988 and the 2019 massacres, as crimes against humanity so that those responsible are brought to justice.
The NCRI’s President-elect again underscored the need for the formation of a fact-finding mission by the UN to investigate the November massacre and to travel to Iran to visit the prisons and those arrested. She added that Iran’s ruling theocracy is the most barbaric and egregious abuser of human rights in the world today. It has flagrantly trampled on the Iranian nation’s fundamental rights in all its political, social and economic aspects, and must therefore be banished by the international community.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 18, 2019