Iranian Communities’ Summit in Canada Marks the anniversary of 1979 Anti-Monarchic Revolution


Today, Canadian Lawmakers, Senior U.S. Personalities, and Former Canadian Government Officials Voice Support for Iran’s Resistance and the Nationwide Uprising on the Anniversary of Iran’s 1979 Anti-Monarchic Revolution.

The keynote speaker of this event is Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), who will address the audience online. The event and its speakers will shed light on the current situation in Iran and give policy recommendations vis-à-vis the Iranian regime to Canadian lawmakers and government. The Iranian regime poses a serious and ongoing threat to global security and stability.

This page will be updated with the latest developments of today’s event

john baird canada ncri conference 1

Former Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird

To the people of Iran: Canadians stand with you in this struggle.

I have been inspired by the bravery of the literally millions of Iranians who’ve taken to the streets to try and peacefully overthrow this fascist dictatorship in Tehran.

Women, teachers, unions, millions of students, and especially supporters of the MEK, they’re tired of the corruption, they’re tired of the mismanagement and they are tired of the authoritarianism of their terrible government.

They are sending a clear and unequivocal message to the mullahs: it’s time for you to go.

I can tell you one of the proudest moments that I had in public life especially working with Stephen Harper was the day that I was able to announce that we had kicked all the mullahs henchman spokespeople out of Canada once and for all.

The uprising in Iran is deeply rooted in the 40 years of struggle of the Iranian people. The uprising is not a spontaneous phenomenon—it is rooted in the history of Iran, 120,000 executions, and the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners because they were steadfast and supported the MEK.

The leading role of Iranian women is not incidental or coincidence but it derives from the struggle of Iranian women over the last 43 years. During the past 43 years tens of thousands of Iranian women, mainly MEK supporters, have been imprisoned tortured and thousands have been executed.

Women have been playing leading roles in the MEK for 30 years. The NCRI president is a woman of high quality who has been recognized worldwide for her confidence and her leadership and her principled opposition to this dictatorship and for the democratic coalition. The Iranian people want an end to dictatorship, and they are chanting in the streets in Tehran and across the country in every corner of Iran: down with the oppressors be at the Shah or the mullahs.

Like many of you, I have been inspired by Madame Rajavi’s 10-point plan for freedom of expression and assembly, the separation of religion and state, gender equality, and non-nuclear Iran, one that can live in peaceful coexistence with its neighbors and with the civilized world.
